This function generates substrate scores for kinases that pass filtering based on both motifs and dynamic profiles

  numMotif = 5,
  numSub = 1,
  species = "mouse",
  verbose = TRUE



A list of kinases with each element containing an array of substrates.


A matrix with rows correspond to phosphosites and columns correspond to samples.


An array containing aa sequences surrounding each of all phosphosites. Each sequence has length of 15 (-7, p, +7).


Minimum number of sequences used for compiling motif for each kinase. Default is 5.


Minimum number of phosphosites used for compiling phosphorylation profile for each kinase. Default is 1.


Motif list species to be used. Currently there are mouse (default), human and rat.


Default to TRUE to show messages during the progress. All messages will be suppressed if set to FALSE


A list of 4 elements. motifScoreMatrix, profileScoreMatrix, combinedScoreMatrix, ksActivityMatrix (kinase activity matrix) and their weights.



ppe <-
sites = paste(sapply(GeneSymbol(ppe), function(x)x),";",
    sapply(Residue(ppe), function(x)x),
    sapply(Site(ppe), function(x)x),
    ";", sep = "")
grps = gsub("_.+", "", colnames(ppe))
design = model.matrix(~ grps - 1)
ctl = which(sites %in% SPSs)
ppe = RUVphospho(ppe, M = design, k = 3, ctl = ctl)

phosphoL6 = SummarizedExperiment::assay(ppe, "normalised")

# filter for up-regulated phosphosites
phosphoL6.mean <- meanAbundance(phosphoL6, grps = grps)
aov <- matANOVA(mat=phosphoL6, grps = grps)
idx <- (aov < 0.05) & (rowSums(phosphoL6.mean > 0.5) > 0)
phosphoL6.reg <- phosphoL6[idx, ,drop = FALSE]

L6.phos.std <- standardise(phosphoL6.reg)

rownames(L6.phos.std) <- paste0(GeneSymbol(ppe), ";", Residue(ppe), 
    Site(ppe), ";")[idx]

L6.phos.seq <- Sequence(ppe)[idx]

L6.matrices <- kinaseSubstrateScore(PhosphoSite.mouse, L6.phos.std,
    L6.phos.seq, numMotif = 5, numSub = 1)
#> Number of kinases passed motif size filtering: 114
#> Number of kinases passed profile size filtering: 44
#> Scoring phosphosites against kinase motifs:
#> 1.
#> 2.
#> 3.
#> 4.
#> 5.
#> 6.
#> 7.
#> 8.
#> 9.
#> 10.
#> 11.
#> 12.
#> 13.
#> 14.
#> 15.
#> 16.
#> 17.
#> 18.
#> 19.
#> 20.
#> 21.
#> 22.
#> 23.
#> 24.
#> 25.
#> 26.
#> 27.
#> 28.
#> 29.
#> 30.
#> 31.
#> 32.
#> 33.
#> 34.
#> 35.
#> 36.
#> 37.
#> 38.
#> 39.
#> 40.
#> 41.
#> 42.
#> 43.
#> 44.
#> 45.
#> 46.
#> 47.
#> 48.
#> 49.
#> 50.
#> 51.
#> 52.
#> 53.
#> 54.
#> 55.
#> 56.
#> 57.
#> 58.
#> 59.
#> 60.
#> 61.
#> 62.
#> 63.
#> 64.
#> 65.
#> 66.
#> 67.
#> 68.
#> 69.
#> 70.
#> 71.
#> 72.
#> 73.
#> 74.
#> 75.
#> 76.
#> 77.
#> 78.
#> 79.
#> 80.
#> 81.
#> 82.
#> 83.
#> 84.
#> 85.
#> 86.
#> 87.
#> 88.
#> 89.
#> 90.
#> 91.
#> 92.
#> 93.
#> 94.
#> 95.
#> 96.
#> 97.
#> 98.
#> 99.
#> 100.
#> 101.
#> 102.
#> 103.
#> 104.
#> 105.
#> 106.
#> 107.
#> 108.
#> 109.
#> 110.
#> 111.
#> 112.
#> 113.
#> 114.
#> done.
#> Scoring phosphosites against kinase-substrate profiles:
#> done.
#> Generating combined scores for phosphosites
#> by motifs and phospho profiles:
#> done.