Data Science Capstone (DATA3888), guest lecturer (2019 - present)
I guest lecturing on ensemble, semi-supervised, and deep learning in unit DATA3888, Data Science Capstone.Lecture codes
Yang, P.†, Ormerod, J., Liu, W., Ma, C., Zomaya, A., Yang, J. (2018) AdaSampling for positive-unlabeled and label noise learning with bioinformatics applications. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, doi:10.1109/TCYB.2018.2816984 [PDF], [Repo]
Molecular Systems Biology (QBIO2001), lecturer (2018 - present)
I'm a lecturer of Molecular Systems Biology (QBIO2001) jointly offered by the School of Mathematics and Statistics, and Life and Environmental Sciences.Lecture codes
Yang, P.†, Zheng, X., Jayaswal, V., Hu, G., Yang, J. & Jothi, R. (2015). Knowledge-based analysis for detecting key signaling events from time-series phosphoproteomics data. PLoS Computational Biology, 11(8), e1004403. [Full Text], [Github Repo], [CRAN R package]
Computational Statistical Methods (STAT5003), lecturer (2016 - 2018)
I was the lecturer of Computational Statistical Methods (STAT5003), from 2016 - 2018, offered by the School of Mathematics and Statistics. Find more details regarding this unit here.Workshops & Tutorials

Single Cell Plus, a generic pipeline
This tutorial introduces a collection of methods and tools our group has developed for analysing single-cell omics data.Single Cell Plus toturial

Phosphoproteomics data analysis using PhosR
PhosR is an R package designed for phosphoproteomics data analysis. The PhosR repo provides the installation of the package and contains examples and tutorials for common analysis steps performed for phosphoproteomics datasets.PhosR tutorials
PhosR package repositories
PhosR references
Kim, H.✢, Kim, T.✢, Hoffman, N., Xiao, D., James, D., Humphrey, S. & Yang, P.† (2021) PhosR enables processing and functional analysis of phosphoproteomic data. Cell Reports, 34(8), 108771. [Full Text]
Kim, H., Kim, T., Xiao, D. & Yang, P.† (2021) Protocol for the processing and downstream analysis of phosphoproteomic data with PhosR. STAR Protocols, 2(2), 100585. [Full Text]